As far as courses are concerned, we set the bar high. Our instructors are world class experts in their field. Just about all our courses are assembled specifically with the client’s needs and wishes in mind. In this, we make no distinction between a freshly started locksmith and an experienced specialist.
We offer a large selection of training-modules from which we put together our courses. Popular subjects are the non-destructive opening of mechanical cylinder locks, forensic techniques, electronic locks, cars and other vehicles, safes, certified padlocks and training to become a red team lock specialist. Certain specialist courses can only be followed in cooperation with our partner in Nicholasville, Kentucky USA or after accreditation. Mail [email protected] or call 020 2602442 for more information on a tailor-made course.
Number of students
There isn’t a limit to the number of students. We’ve had classes of twenty, but have also held sizeable courses with only a single student. These days we keep the number of students low.
The location of the course is dependent on the client’s needs and the type of course being taught. Preferably, we give our courses in our own workspaces (in the vicinity of Amsterdam). It’s also possible to follow courses on the client’s location. Certain specialized courses can only be followed with our partner in Nicholasville, Kentucky USA.
Video training
Our clients are spread globally. Since 2011 we’ve been giving courses via encrypted video connections. Beforehand, clients will receive a package of numbered boxes prepared by us. These contain the necessary equipment (locks, tools, etc) per lesson module. Given the ongoing global pandemic, we’re seeing an increase in these solutions. Mail [email protected] or call 020 2602442 for more information.
Personal training
We offer the opportunity for clients to be assisted long-term in the development of their technical skills.

For whom?
We only work with security professionals such as police, fire departments, courts, locksmiths, safe technicians, forensic examining experts, insurance companies, bailiffs, critical infrastructure, government and corporate security departments of fortune 500 companies. Our products and services are not available to individuals.
As a basic cost, we charge €395 per student per day of the course. Costs can vary depending the subject, duration of the course and the number of students. This cost is excluding VAT but including lunch, coffee, soft drinks and PPE.
There’s more
Unfortunately, we can’t offer details on all our courses and services on a public website. After verification, we can offer you more information on specialized courses and equipment. Mail [email protected] or call 020 2602442 for more details.